A professor suspended my degree examination but I have not break any rules (yet)

I am a foreign graduate student in Japan and am supposed to graduate on September.
And I am planning to enroll in another university (abroad) for another graduate degree on August.
Due to the difference between two countries timing of enrollment, there will be an overlap of schedule between two universities.

My supervisor was okay with me pursuing the next degree. In fact he was supportive throughout. And is okay with the overlapped schedule since I am almost finished with my research.

The problem is a professor in my university, the chair of my committee members whose role is to decide if my thesis is acceptable for the degree, knew my situation.
He said the university do not allow double enrollment.
The next day he refused to proceed with my checking my thesis and schedule my defense. Basically, suspending my thesis examination.

My argument is I am not yet enrolled in the university abroad. I am enrolled only in my univeristy in Japan.
Therefore, I am not breaking any rules at the moment.
He does not have any right to suspend me.

The student affairs section of my university is useless. They couldn’t do anything or are afraid to interfere.
He is a big shot professor in my university and known to interfere in many student’s graduation.

Right now, my supervisor is fighting for me and is doing his best.

In case this escalates, which body of government should I contact for the abuse of power happening to me?

Or what course of action should I do?
Any similar experience?

I am really in trouble. Help

  1. If I were you I’ll definitely pay a visit to MEXT.

    But before that, you should follow these steps :

    1. Talk to your prof ( failed )
    2. Talk to the 相談センター ( failed )
    3. Talk to the principal

    (4). Submit a 公益通報 to your university.

    5. Contact Mext.

    More info about MEXT complain you can refer this [website](https://www.mext.go.jp/kouekitsuuhou/1288845.htm)

    Your university should have a form for the complain. Just type [your university name] follows by 公益通報. There should be a pdf/word form. If not request from the school ( I think they will take thing more seriously if you do so, but if they refused/not provided the form to you, final step will be MEXT )

    Here’s a [template](https://www.hit-u.ac.jp/function/announce_02/format_pdf.pdf) from Hitotsubashi University, make sure you change the university name to yours. ( to be submitted to school )

    For MEXT, I’m not 100% sure if student complain can be made there, but if your school dgaf about your situation you can surely give them a call and ask them to help with your issue.

  2. Worst case, could you delay your enrollment in the next University by a semester? It would suck but that way the head of the dept. wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

    Bonus points if you can delay it and get a print out showing you delayed the enrollment, and then change the enrollment back to Aug. after you’ve got your stuff sorted at the Japanese Uni.

  3. Just tell them that you changed your mind and do not want to pursue another degree anymore.

    I am afraid that nobody is going to fight for you. The university is going to take the side of the professor. MEXT won’t be able to do anything as well and will just say “shou ga nai. sensei said you cannot graduate”. Forget about trying to convince them that the professor is wrong, nobody is going to listen. Tell them what they want to hear, and do what you want behind their backs.

    The only problem is you won’t be able to get your certificate before September, while your other degree program will start in August.

  4. Further to other’s answers, do these universities also have terms that are not aligned with other countries?

    If so, it would seem like this kind of situation wouldn’t be that uncommon, where students transition between Japanese and overseas universities?

    It seems a bit odd that they wouldn’t already be able to take this sort of thing into account.

    It probably also happens the other way around too, with students transitioning from overseas universities to here.

    Disclaimer: Not a doctor of anything.

  5. Would it be possible to change the thesis committee member?

    If what you said is true, then as he refuses to assess your thesis at all, he has no business in your thesis committee. Pick your battles I guess. No need to change his opinion (not gonna happen), what you need to change is your thesis committee chair as this one is an obstacle who refuses to do his job.

    Also, I would really hope you can remove him NOW, while he’s clear that he won’t let you graduate because of administrative reasons. If you wait and he remains in your committee, he may underhandedly agree to review your thesis but will fail you on academic standards (setting his bar crazily high). The latter will be harder for you or anyone to fight, because he’s the academic authority and he has the right to set standards for the theses he deem acceptable for graduation.

  6. You’re going to have to gather a lot more information. More than what you’re going to find here. No one here is going to know the conditions of their ban on double enrollment. I’m sure they only mean going to two Uni’s concurrently…not a slight lag between them. Talk to the enrollment office of both places if you can. Go with your supervisor or get advice from a different professor. I’m sure this has happened to plenty of other graduates already. Has the next Uni ever taken students from your current one before? Proof of that would help.

    If nothing works out just lie and say you’ve given up on going to the next Uni and then do it anyway. How will they stop you?

    No matter what you do you need to work fast if you’re planning to start in August. Don’t let that asshole delay admin on purpose.

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