Homemade soft cookies…

I used to make great cookies back in Canada, but I can’t seem to make the same ones here maybe because I can’t get all-purpose flour? Anyone have a good recipe or a way to substitute all-purpose flour? Thanks in advance!

  1. Make your own, 1 part cake flour 1 part bread flour. All purpose is just a medium gluten flour.

    If you think the flour us the culprit use pure cake flour.

    The most common problem I’ve had with hard cookies is brown sugar and white sugar melt differently so make sure your measurements are right.

  2. I’m not a serious baker so I can’t explain the details, but I’ve heard complaints from friends about humidity and elevation impacting their baking here. If either are substantially different from your place in Canada, you may need to tweak your recipes a bit.

  3. All-purpose flour is 中力粉, I’ve been told.
    Mix one part of 強力粉 and one part of 薄力粉.

  4. Good luck to you! I’d love to try your cookies someday (love, love, soft cookies)!

    I apologize if this is a silly question, but did you get your measuring cups and such here? There might be a difference. A US cup is 237 ml. Japan it’s 200 ml.

  5. For chocolate chip cookies, I’ve found bread flour (kyourikikou 強力粉) to be the way to go. Also, as another poster mentioned, a Japanese cup is 200 ml, a US cup is 238 (and Canadian cups are 227.30 according to Google).

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