Has anyone heard of Japan having an issue where jealous women punch pregnant women in the stomach?

I was dating a Japanese woman recently and she told me that this was a thing. But she also told some other weird stuff that made me think she was a bit superstitious or easily bought into news headlines..

Has anyone heard of this?


  1. My wife was elbowed a couple times on the train when she used that ‘I’m pregnant’ tag you get from the city office. It’s supposed to notify others so that they give up their seat for you on the train etc. the opposite happened to her.

    But it stopped once she removed it

  2. I have heard of it but I have serious doubts about it being more than an isolated indecent or media fear-mongering.

  3. Sounds like a woman problem in general. As long as jealousy exists and the same sex is around eachother more than odds are things like that are going to happen. Should be less worried about it happening in japan of all places and I’m speaking in terms of low child birth

  4. Women in Japan jealous of others having babies? Is that even possible? If so, why the hell is the birth rate so low?

  5. I’ve seen Japanese drama scenes where jealous women punching pregnant women/pushing pregnant woman down the stairs—but not in real life lol

  6. Why would they be jealous? In the west most woman are glad they are childless (most of them, not all)

  7. It’s an urban legend, I remember hearing it when I was a kid in my elementary school back almost 40 years ago.

    But a low level urban legend like this also means there can also be some real jealous woman replicating it.

  8. Urban legend. But one of those things where isolated crazies mimic the urban legend, get a bunch of sensationalized media attention, which then just reinforces the urban legend.

  9. When you said “Jealous women” I thought you were referring to a woman who was jealous because she got pregnant from a man she was targeting, not just jealous of the pregnancy itself.

  10. Whattttt? I’m on my fourth pregnancy in Japan and have literally never heard of this before in my life.

    If someone elbowed or punched my stomach, you’d be damn sure I’d be “accidentally” stamping on their foot.

  11. no red flags here marry her immediately and have babies with her NOW

  12. “people” can actually get jealous of you literally *existing*, but in Japan out of all places that shouldn’t happen, never heard of this.

  13. Pretty sure its as common as jealous american women punching stomachs (per capita)

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