Leaving Japan for Overseas

Move out Notification – I already accomplished this but my ward office mentioned that they do not issue Move out Certificate if the move is overseas. Did it happen to anyone too?

Pension Refund – How did you do to prove that you do not have residence in Japan (if you do not have Move out Certificate)?

Tax Representative – Is it ok to designate this after the pension refund and after leaving Japan?

MyNa ID Card – Do I also need to return this?

What are your other tips? Thank you!

  1. You forgot “Use Search Function on this subreddit because this question is asked on a weekly basis”

  2. Move out notification – Yes there is no such certificate if you are leaving country (Japan)

    Pension refund – they would have stamped your my number card in the front, meaning that it is no longer valid, and also stating the last date over there. Ideally, you can add a copy of this card, which would state your last date.

    Tax representative – you need to do this before you leave. Go to nearest tax office and they will give you a form, for appointing representative. You need fill the form, ask your representative add his/her details in it and attach your and his/her identification documents, generally a copy of resident card.

    My number card – they would deactivate the card the moment you give the exit notification form. And you don’t need to return it. Just keep it with you, that’s OK.

    Other tips : guess above covers all, nothing more as far as govt/ward office is concerned.

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