Kanji with Unknown Meaning

闏 is a kanji whose meaning I cannot find. I work at a Japanese school, and no one knows the meaning. It is one of my favorite kanji with my favorite radical. Is it a dead kanji so to speak? At this point, I know it is not jouyou. Is it one that only scholars know? I need to know. When I say that I need to know, I also mean its pronunciation.

  1. “Only scholars know”? Tf 😂 You can check the etymology of all the kanji you want. There are no secrets

  2. I’m reminded of ryakuji, which range from practical to kind of funny. One of my favorites (an unofficial one) is 何 but instead of a square in the middle it’s a ?

    Or this one: 间, it’s 間. I first ran into it in Kingdom Hearts. 😀

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