US Military Contractor (SOFA) Moving to Tokyo need advice.

I will be moving to Tokyo (Fussa/Tachikawa) under SOFA status. I am looking to rent a house which allows dogs. Being a contractor I’m not authorized to use the military to find housing. My company considers me temporary in Japan even though the position is permanent so they do not aid in finding housing either. (They expect me to stay in a hotel).

I’ve contacted a realtor, I’ve viewed and applied for houses. However given my SOFA status and lack of Zairyu card I’m running into issues with being approved for anything (Bank, Hanko, even Japanese cellphone). Does anyone know if there is a process in place for people in my situation? I’ve sought short term rentals and sublets but having two dogs is very complicated (4kg and 18kg). (I’ve completed all dog import processes and my family is set to move mid July).

Is it as impossible as it feels?

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **US Military Contractor (SOFA) Moving to Tokyo need advice.**

    I will be moving to Tokyo (Fussa/Tachikawa) under SOFA status. I am looking to rent a house which allows dogs. Being a contractor I’m not authorized to use the military to find housing. My company considers me temporary in Japan even though the position is permanent so they do not aid in finding housing either. (They expect me to stay in a hotel).

    I’ve contacted a realtor, I’ve viewed and applied for houses. However given my SOFA status and lack of Zairyu card I’m running into issues with being approved for anything (Bank, Hanko, even Japanese cellphone). Does anyone know if there is a process in place for people in my situation? I’ve sought short term rentals and sublets but having two dogs is very complicated (4kg and 18kg). (I’ve completed all dog import processes and my family is set to move mid July).

    Is it as impossible as it feels?

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  2. >Is it as impossible as it feels?

    It’s not impossible, but it is very, *very* difficult and/or convoluted.

    As you’ve discovered, getting a bank account and a cell phone plan require residency, which you don’t have on SOFA status.

    Honestly your best course of action is to contact your contracting agency and/or your local command liaison and ask them what procedures are in place. We have very few (if any?) regular posters who are on SOFA, so I’m not sure how much help we’ll be able to give.

  3. Sorry, SOFA being a weird thing, you are better off talking to someone in your unit/group or the base housing office. You won’t be the first person in your position, and they can direct you to the right places. They probably know realtors that are SOFA-friendly. Talk to your new coworkers.

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