Why does the statement 寒いと思ういます not have a “だ” after 寒い?

I’m learning about と思ういます statements, and wondered why there isnt a だ after さむい

  1. There are two different types of adjectives based on their ending, な and い. Only な adjectives take だ here. い adjectives get written as so in this situation.

  2. By the way, 思う would be conjugated as 思います…unless this is some grammar I’m not aware of. Also, I’m not sure a sentence like this would ever need だ unless the subject is being stated. Like you’re saying “I think its a cold ___” as supposed to “I think its cold.” …I’m still learning things myself, so I’m not sure if I am being much help… >_>;;

  3. だ can’t follow い adjectives. Also, い adjectives can end sentences by themselves normally.

  4. You can never put だ after an い-adjective. You can put です there, but not だ. I know it can be confusing.


    Polite: 便利です

    Casual: 便利だ or just 便利


    Polite: 寒いです

    Casual: 寒い (you cannot put だ here)

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