I lost my Japanese teacher and the n5 exam is in 5 weeks. I need help, please!

Could you please recommend me a book which has solutions to sample tests? Also, I’m finding contradictory information about how many kanjis I am supposed to know for the exam. Thank you!

  1. There is no official JLPT Kanji list, but people have curated lists which approximate the required characters quite well. For N5 it’s about 80 characters.

    [N5 Kanji List](https://jlptsensei.com/jlpt-n5-kanji-list/)

    Any beginner’s book will do e.g. the one you used with your teacher.

    So first of all, take a deep breath. This is no biggie. Stick with the text book you have. Switching books makes no difference for N5. If you have no book yet, something like Minna no Nihongo or any other standard book will be good enough. There’s also a lot (!) of free materials online. Especially for the lower levels. Websites like Maggiesensei, jlptsensei, a lot of apps, YouTube channels etc. just pick one you like and you’ll be fine.

    Quick Google search for tests:

    [official but old sample test](https://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/sample09.html)

    [some more](https://jlptsensei.com/downloads/jlpt-n5-practice-test/)

  2. I can help you with this. I’ve been coaching some students with their N5 these past years

  3. So JLPT Sensei and Anki are your friends. This is the path my wife did to pass N5 when she was is crunch mode too, and the path I would have taken if I had know better when I started.

    Go through the Tango N5 Anki deck which covers all the words in N5 if you haven’t already done so or a similar deck. The words you know you can just skip if you need to.

    For grammar Minna no Nihongo is great. If you want to test yourself then Bunpro is a great tool and it has a free 30 day trial. You can set it up to go in order of Minna no Nihongo or you can just do all the N5 grammar.

    For kanji I like the Migaku Kanji God addon for Anki. You can use it to create cards for all the N5 kanji. Otherwise you can just study all the kanji for JLPT Sensei.

    You need reading and listening practices. Minna no Nihongo can cover down in that for you but you could also get a JLPT prep book like the Soumatome N5 book.

    You can also watch a lot of grammar and listening videos on YouTube for free!

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