Experiences with customs when shipping household items

Hello All!

I’m curious to know about how thorough the customs inspection is for household items. We’re a family of four and we’re planning to leave a lot behind, but we will still be taking things like books, clothes, certain keepsakes, etc.

How detailed does your itemized list need to be? Example, can you say books x100 or do you have to list each book title?

Is the inspection more like a spot check or do they go through everything?

Are sealed packs of seeds allowed? There were some fruits and veggies I wanted to grow in containers from seeds, but haven’t found much online about them.

After clearing customs, what delivery or storage company did you use?

Any tips would be welcomed!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Experiences with customs when shipping household items**

    Hello All!

    I’m curious to know about how thorough the customs inspection is for household items. We’re a family of four and we’re planning to leave a lot behind, but we will still be taking things like books, clothes, certain keepsakes, etc.

    How detailed does your itemized list need to be? Example, can you say books x100 or do you have to list each book title?

    Is the inspection more like a spot check or do they go through everything?

    Are sealed packs of seeds allowed? There were some fruits and veggies I wanted to grow in containers from seeds, but haven’t found much online about them.

    After clearing customs, what delivery or storage company did you use?

    Any tips would be welcomed!

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  2. I shipped 72 small boxes by sea when I came, mostly containing books, movies or games. You can say general category, like books x100. But you need them itemized on a per box level. They will most likely just do x-ray inspection, but if anything suspicious is detected they can search any/all of them.

    Get at least 3 bids and set them against each other to bid them down. The companies are all scummy on pricing but there is a lot of room to negotiate. But beware, the general tactic in these companies is to come out and give you a spot estimate that is gonna be inaccurate, bid low, then jack up the price on you after they have custody of your stuff because it “weighs more than expected” or “doesn’t fit in the containers properly”.

    If you are paying for this yourself, it is best for you to weigh and measure all of your boxes yourself and look at how they fit into standard shipping units so that you don’t get ripped off – it will let you know which companies are trying to BS you. I was able to use this information to negotiate a fixed price bid and that really protected me from getting screwed. You can only sign one if you are confidence in your measurements though as the fixed price is contingent on you meeting the specified spec.

  3. Like u/starlightk7 said: “Books x100” is fine for the customs declaration.

    >Are sealed packs of seeds allowed?

    I would be ***very*** careful about importing seeds unless you’ve done exhaustive research beforehand. Biological control is a *very* big deal for customs, and is something a lot of folks don’t think about. And then they get caught and get their seeds/food/whatever destroyed. And/or slapped with a massive fine.

    You should call/email customs and ask them directly about the seeds you’re planning on importing: https://www.customs.go.jp/english/

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