Anyone looking for a Japanese tutor?

Update: thank you so much for all the inquiries! I got so many requests and now started getting a little bit overwhelming so I need to taking new potential students I’m sorry 🙁
For those of you I responded here or already sent me a message I’ll get back to as soon as I can, thank you for your patience 🙏🏼

I can help you learning Japanese via zoom or FaceTime or just practice speaking and polish your skills, let me know what you’re focusing on right now and message me if I can help! I’d appreciate it 🙂

  1. I am upper-beginner/lower-intermediate Japanese, I’d love to talk on Zoom or something.

  2. Hey, do you have any tips for learning hiragana/katakana? I’m just starting so pronunciation and listening are a little to far for me right now

  3. Hey, do you have any tips for learning hiragana/katakana? I’m just starting so pronunciation and listening are a little to far for me right now

  4. Are you familiar with the JLPT levels? I’m looking for a tutor to help me get from ~N4 to N3 🙂

  5. I know Nihongo a little bit. I’m not going to continue now maybe in the future. If I need any help will you help me?

  6. Oh, I would love to! If you don’t have too many requests, I would love to have a tutor! Could you share your hourly rates?
    I’m not sure what level I am at this point. I used to study Japanese pretty intensively in the uni, but I sure have forgotten all but the kanas and some basic Kanji and grammar.

  7. Yeah, absolutely would love to do a session if you have time! I need practice speaking really badly. I’m N3 ish level, studying for N2, pretty good listening skills, but I can barely string a sentence together. Let me know if you have a slot available!

  8. Yes I’d love to have a tutor. I’m currently somewhere around N3 but don’t really aim to take jlpt for now

  9. Just wondering if you offer quick conversation lessons for example just a short test since I am preparing for an abroad program

  10. I hope to find someone to speak with in the future once I am more educated in Japanese. Count me in if you’re still lookin’ for more people in a few months or so.

  11. My Japanese class just started up today I would like to enlist your help for conversational as well as remember hiragana kanji and katakana

  12. I am a beginner, attempting to learn Japanese with my fiancée currently. We have done the very beginnings of Duolingo but other than that, no experience. We would definitely be open to a guide if you’re okay with two people versus one!

  13. Hey I’m very beginner (Can’t even read N5 without external tools help)

    My only method of studiyng is Anki, Youtube videos and NHK Easy News.

    What would you (or some other kind user) recommend for me to take the next step?

    My objective right now is to be able to understand simple sentences without the need of translating tools

  14. Hi, yes definitely interested!

    If you still have a slot available please message me as well! Thanks in advance!!

  15. I would be interested In a tutor. I keep going on and off on my studying. Feel like if I actually have someone to talk to or even study with that would be a tremendous help!

  16. I just started learning Japanese and I’m not sure where should I start. Will you be able to help?

  17. I know you have a lot of applicants, but please do let me know if you have some cancellations. I’m pre-N5, but I haven’t even attempted to test in to N5 level. I’ve been learning passively, because of no real motivation until now, for 2 years. I just recently found a real reason to learn, so I’m going to start daily lessons & going hard! God bless you, & thank you.

  18. Can you suggest some interesting literature or manga? I got the JLPT2 14 years ago but not the JLPT1. Got busy with work. Suppose I should get off my duff and practice.

    Something made for native speakers, not students. Japanese newspapers can be a bit dry.

  19. Hi, is your service still available? I’m interested to have an hour of speaking with you!

  20. Hi! Yes! I am a complete beginner (no knowledge, except about Hiragana, which I am still learning). My goal is to read, write and have at least very basic conversations by next year.

  21. Hi there! I am interested in getting a tutor to help 🙂 I’m a complete beginner and only know hiragana and a few simple phrases/words!

    I would love to take you up on this offer if you aren’t too busy with other requests 😊

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