Aussie event in Shinjuku this saturday

There’s a free event on this weekend in Shinjuku for Aussie working holiday promotion. Apparently they’re selling meat pies so I’m looking forward to a taste of home.
Details here but it’s Japanese

Most of the event stuff might not be interesting to everyone but the words meat pie attracted me.

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  2. Hmmm hoping there’s gonna be some yellow MSG chicken salt chips.. i miss those the most.

  3. Might be better than that Turkish festival. Doubt they’ll have fairy bread though lol

  4. I would like a follow up report on the pies with pictures after the event please.

  5. Hijacking this to endorse Punk Doily in Setagaya, only open Fri-Sat but the pies and caramel slice are the tits. He also posts frozen pies if you can’t visit!

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