Why in 思い込みの激しい does 思い込み modify 激しい and not the other way around

I found 思い込みの激しい in the Aggretsuko Christmas special in the sentence, “あの子結構思い込みの激しいとこあんじゃん” and I think I understand that it means (strong misconceptions) but I don’t really get why it’s not 激しい思い込み or something. Can someone please explain that and/or the meaning if I was not correct about it?

  1. Sometimes you can use の in place of が to modify a noun in a way like this. Now, my grammar isn’t perfect, but I assume this is saying something like “that girl made an unnecessarily strong assumption after all”, or something. That might be a wildly incorrect attempt at the sentence’s meaning, but the point about the 思い込みの激しい still stands.

    As a simpler example, you could say something like 信号のない交差点. “An intersection without a traffic light”

  2. This is how I understood it from googling:
    思い込み(が)激しい is a phrase and modifies とこ(ろ).
    ->In that case, 思い込みの激しい(ところ). が is changed to の.

    ->(A side to her) that get influenced by preconcieved ideas.

    ->When you put the entire sentence together, it becomes
    “She does tend to get influence by preconcieved ideas, right?”

    I’m sure the show translates it better than me, lol.

  3. If you understand what 思い込みが激しい means, then you understand 思い込みの激しい. が can be replaced with の in relative modifying clauses which is what’s going on here.

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