Teacher Water Cooler – Month of June 2023

Discuss the state of the teaching industry in Japan with your fellow teachers! Use this thread to discuss salary trends, companies, minor questions that don’t warrant a whole post, and build a rapport with other members of the community.

Please keep discussions civilized. Mods will remove any offending posts.

  1. Hot Topic: Maybe not strictly related to language teaching. I was having a conversation with a friend who is a head teacher for ALTs in his region. He brought up this point that seemed to resonate with my experiences in my university office. Related to employment, the people who complain the most often put in the least work in professional/academic development. Do you agree? Why or why not?

  2. What do most eikaiwas pay their part time staff for off site pre-school lessons (particularly in rural areas)? Also, how would you mediate a dispute on behalf of a coworker who may or may not take a lesson that is (perhaps) being low balled?

    I’m trying to wrap my head around an eikaiwa sending a part time teacher once a month to a far off location just to teach English for 40 minutes, only to be trapped in transit for an additional hour and twenty minutes, all for 3000 yen. The pay, the once a month commitment with nothing else in place on off weeks, none of this seems to benefit the teacher being sent out to teach. Of course that’s just the start of it…>!The school is taking 5000 yen, the teacher only 3000.!<

    I can’t imagine anyone taking this assignment. From what I understand, the current teacher no longer wants to teach it anymore and trying to pass the class on to a new teacher. The principal of the eikaiwa seems to have an expectation that this new teacher will do it simply because he is available and not employed elsewhere (he will likely be employed elsewhere in due time).

    Assuming this colleague of mine accepts this assignment (he won’t, but assuming), what sort of negotiations would you suggest to make the assignment appealing to a teacher who may pick up the lesson?

    The principal risks losing a teacher to teach this pre-school (two teachers, technically) and the contract all together if she can’t get her act together.

  3. You know you’re in the Inaka when you have to wait for the troop of Monkeys to move before getting in your car.

  4. Been applying for eikawa positions, but either been ghosted/ or sent rejection replies.
    Should I just try again closer to september?

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