ok tell how to use sick days

My company provides X sick days.
All my coworkers seem to use them. Company is not black but still, big workload.

Should I go to doctor ? What should I say ?

Edit: Thank you all !! It was kind of funny😂

  1. I have sick days too and I just take them (even when I’m not sick) My company doesn’t ask for any proof of sickness but IDK about yours so it’s better to just ask HR or your boss.

  2. I don’t go to the clinic every time I’m not feeling well. I stay in bed. Unless your company requires you to show a doctor’s note (which costs money in Japan), I wouldn’t go.

  3. Highly depends on your company culture I think?… My company don’t ask for anything when we take leave, not even reason is needed.

  4. Call in sick once and see how they will respond. Then you will know what to do and if they require a doctor’s note.

  5. Cette question de français! T’as plus de rtt? 😀

    Perso ma stratégie c’est d’appeler le matin en toussant dans le téléphone, poser des congés maladie en avance même si c’est pour aller au dentiste on m’a toujours répondu “t’as tes jours de congés pour ça”, du coup voilà

  6. i don’t need any “proof” unless it’s a long time. next time i go in, i just fill out a form for records with dates and type of time off (paid/unpaid) and just writing 体調悪い for the reason.

  7. Take sick leave and see what happens. Whatever you do don’t ask for permission it’s going to make everything worse

  8. I get 20 sick days and I use them as I like.
    Howver if I use them all and get sick, I get a no excuse absence which would lead to a bad rep with my team. Usually we cumulatie them and use em in junction with Obon or Golden week.

    I always keep a week or so of sick leave in case.

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