Hello, live in Okinawa and may move to Yokota/Fussa or Yokosuka, which is better?

Which would you recommend for a small family? We have a 3 year-old. Husband is a GS/civilian. Which area is better for health care, schools and cultural activities and proximity to Tokyo and travel to other big cities on mainland? What should we expect from each? Any insights are highly appreciated.

  1. Whenever you’ve got a choice between an Air Force base or a Navy base, always go Air Force. I’d personally pick Yokota.

  2. Yokota’s area is a bit boring. It’s a commuter town and it is quite small. However, you have a family so that may not be as valued.

    Yokosuka is close to Yokohama which there is a ton of stuff to do, and then the more north you get is southern tokyo and easier to travel around tokyo (talking via trains).

    Generally speaking, Air Force bases generally have better amenities and a bit nicer. Having been to both bases, I prefer to live in Yokosuka as there is much more stuff to do and easier (in my opinion) to get around. Kamakura / Enoshima / Zushi is closeby (they are coastal cities). And Yokosuka’s weather should be cooler and not as bad as Yokota.

    Yokosuka base and area is great when the Carrier is not in town. When they are in town, it sucks because that just adds 4k people to the area and traffic sucks sometimes. All in all, depends what you value. I think Yokosuka is more fun with much more stuff to do, while Yokota is probably more boring but better for healthcare and schools.

  3. I have been to both lots of times and I prefer Yokosuka. Travel time to Tokyo is about the same for both with an added bonus of Yokosuka being only 40 minutes from Yokohama city and haneda airport. A negative for yokota is the constant military flights overhead and a slightly less connected train system especially going from or going to base.

  4. Yokosuka. It’s 15-20 minutes further from Shinjuku by train, but the Yokosuka area has way more stuff than the Yokota area, plus Yokohama is so close you almost don’t even need to go into central Tokyo. Bonus points for being closer to beaches. I’ve also been in the civilian apartments that the sailors can get and they’re pretty roomy. There’s also going to be less aircraft noise. Yokota is an active air base that gets lots of military traffic. Yokosuka is just a port, so less noise pollution.

  5. Another vote for Yokosuka. I’ve lived here for nearly 20 years, and love it.

    On balance, Yokota would be better if you’re into golfing.

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