Permanent Residency Application

Hi japanlife folks,


I am planning to apply for the PR sometime soon through the Highly Skilled Individual point-based system. So I was checking out on one of the point criteria which is salary.

For that criteria, is it just the annual salary to be used for that computation or will it also include the bonus for the computation?

  1. If you read the FAQ on the website, it says bonuses are included, but not overtime compensation.

  2. [](

    >※3 賞与(ボーナス)も年収に含まれ る。

    The complexity is if your bonus is guaranteed or not. If not, then they basically will not count it, because it’s not something you can prove you will receive as part of your annual income.

  3. Contractual boni (i.e. if it’s something you’re legally guaranteed) are included. Discretionary ones aren’t.

  4. Any bonus you received in the past will count to your previous years annual compensation numbers. But you will also be asked to provide a a document proving your expected salary for the year you filed the application. If your bonus is discretionary your company will not include it in the document.

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