Making a Visa Appointment

Hello everyone,


I was wondering if anyone could help clear up the process for making a visa appointment. For reference, this is for a student visa, and I am making an appointment at the San Francisco consulate. It appears as if they are only allowing you to make an appointment exactly 2 weeks in advance, which is inconvenient, but it is what it is. When I first started trying to refresh constantly to get an appointment, it showed me a calendar, with 2 weeks from now highlighted but said “no appointments available”. Now, it shows no calendar but still has the same message. My questions are mainly (A) for those who have had success making an appointment, how did you do it? (B) Are there particular times I should check at? I don’t have the time every day to dedicate 4 hours to constantly refreshing my browser. (C) Should I make anything of the fact that the appointment screen changed abruptly for me today, or not?


EDIT: Since some people have asked if I’ve done this, yes, I have called, multiple times, and never got more than a “we’ll call you back” several days ago.

EDIT 2: I got an appointment on Monday for 3/21, I’m not sure I booked it at a 15 minute interval though, so I’m not sure how much the actual time matters

Any advice/information would be greatly appreciated!

  1. Did you try calling them? Emailing them?

    Or are there no other options than that screen? If so, refresh, baby.

    しょうがないね。They’re finally letting people in, so yeah, trying to get an appointment is going to be like trying to get anything lots of people want. Difficult.

  2. I also was trying to make an appointment at the SF consulate! Someone here said that they release appointments every 15 minutes or so, and it’s during business hours that you have to refresh (mon-fri in the morning and early evening). However, I refreshed the page early in the morning (before they open), and there was one appointment available. Maybe try right at 9am and see if there’s anything available, otherwise, I would keep refreshing throughout the day. As for the change in screens, it changes for me to depending on the time and day, so I wouldn’t worry about that too much.

  3. I was able to finally book one at the SF consulate after a week of trying. I saw people saying every 15 minutes starting at 10am, but I think they start more like 9am. Refresh your screen every 15 minutes. I wanted to be sure I didn’t miss any slots so, just in case, I refreshed at every 0 and 5 minute mark.

    I was finally able to get in this morning at 9:45am for a 10:45 appointment 2 weeks from today. Good luck!

  4. I know this is an old thread, but when you refreshed the page, do you actually have to refresh the entire web page, or just go back and forward in the portal for visa appointments?

  5. What a hellish experience… Spent the last few days refreshing their website and nothing

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