Should scanned documents be in color or black and white?

Because of the 10mb max file upload, I’m running into the issue of the file size being too big if I scan some of my documents in color like my passport for example. Is it okay to just upload them in black and white?

  1. Some documents specify color and Im pretty sure the passport is one of those. Can you lower the dpi setting on your scanner?

  2. You should not overthink things. If the document obviously needs to be in color, that will be specified.

    If you’re scanning at 200 pixels, there’s no way a one-page document will be 10 MB. Or if it is, you have your settings set strangely on your scanner. A regular page should probably be 1 to 3 MB in size if scanned on a normal scanner at normal settings in color.

  3. I’m not sure where you’re applying from so it might be different for you but for the Canadian application they say that black and white documents won’t be accepted. They even say that if you feel like a scan could be perceived as being in black and white that you should include a coloured square in the corner of the document so they know it’s in colour.

  4. Most documents I did it in color but medical check I did it in black in white. It looks more official when it’s in color.

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