Regarding the Interview Process with Altia Central

I recently had an interview with Altia Central and it went really well. The woman interviewing me seemed to like my answers and I put out a fair amount of energy during.

At the end of the interview she told me that they wanted a second interview with me and would send me the forms for the demo lesson and reference check.

However, it’s been five days since then and I haven’t received an emails from the recruiting department. Should I be concerned yet? I am unsure of how long it takes to move onto the next interview and I just wanted to ask others how their interview process had gone. I will update this post if I hear from them. Thank you!

  1. I interviewed with them years ago before the pandemic. Looking back at my emails, it took about a week/eight days for them to get back to me about things. Things might be backed up because of the pandemic/the amount of people who are applying now that they’re able to accept teachers from overseas. I know the second interview involved traveling, so it might also take a moment for them to gather up enough people in your region to be interviewed if they’re still doing those in person. Don’t get too concerned until two weeks have passed!

  2. Don’t be afraid to follow up with an email asking for an update. They can get busy but as it is now the school year has already started so I don’t see how recruiting staff is that busy at the moment.

  3. Oh just did an interview with them last night, but I had a male interviewer, seem like a nice crowd

  4. It took them around a week for me (did my first interview about 3 weeks ago). Second interview coming up soon and already did my demo.

    During my first interview I asked how long the wait to receive the follow up email would be and they said between 1-2 weeks. So, you’re still within the time frame. No worries. They have a lot of people to interview.

  5. The norm is to write a thank-you email after the interview, expressing interest in following up. If they don’t respond, it’s fine to write a follow-up email a week or so later.

    If the company doesn’t write back within a couple of weeks after that, you can assume they went with a different candidate.

    However, many of these dispatch companies don’t follow professional norms. Frankly, they have their pick of candidates eager to come to Japan, so they can follow up in their own sweet time. I’d suggest sending a follow up but don’t keep your hopes high, and keep your options open by applying at other companies as well.

  6. Like other people have said, it’s usually about a week. And if you’re counting weekend days, they don’t usually work on Saturdays. If you haven’t gotten the forms, then definitely email about those.

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