Kanagawa to Tokyo student commute pass

Hey all, in a couple weeks I’m moving to Kanagawa just outside tokyo for a six month study abroad at a language school in shinjuku. I was wondering if anyone had advise on the best commuter pass to get, as from my research the point A to point B Tokyo metro passes are only between stations in the central Tokyo area. Most of my commute is outside this zone from kanagawa to shinjuku. Is there any student commuter pass for stations outside Tokyo to ones in the city? I am a high school student so the commuter transportation systems are difficult to understand. Thanks!

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Kanagawa to Tokyo student commute pass**

    Hey all, in a couple weeks I’m moving to Kanagawa just outside tokyo for a six month study abroad at a language school in shinjuku. I was wondering if anyone had advise on the best commuter pass to get, as from my research the point A to point B Tokyo metro passes are only between stations in the central Tokyo area. Most of my commute is outside this zone from kanagawa to shinjuku. Is there any student commuter pass for stations outside Tokyo to ones in the city? I am a high school student so the commuter transportation systems are difficult to understand. Thanks!

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  2. All major railway company offer student commuter pass. Just go to your local station with appropriate paperwork and you will get one from your home station to Shinjuku. Your school should also be able to help you get one.

  3. You can choose any train route according to your preference for a commuter pass including routes that use a combination of different train line companies e.g., JR trains, Tokyo Metro trains, etc. In this case, only one commuter pass would be needed and any fees for transferring between train line companies will be covered in the commuter pass. Keep in mind commuter passes that use multiple train line companies are also going to be more expensive.

    If you can tell us the station or area of Kanagawa you want to get to, it would be easier to advise you which commuter pass to get since there are so many potential destinations and stations in Kanagawa.

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