My Number Photo card & zairyu card?

So I got my my number photo card yesterday. And it’s got my visa details on it. Will this card render the zairyu card useless or do we need to carry two cards now? Any ideas?

  1. >do we need to carry two cards now?

    I’m not aware of any requirement to carry around your My Number card

  2. You still need the zairyu card. And you don’t need to carry the mynumber card on you. The only one you need to carry around is the zairyu card.

  3. You don’t need to carry your My Number card. But it actually saved me from being denied boarding my flight back to Japan from my home country because me dumbass didn’t bring COVID vaccination certification that I got in Japan, which is required.

    So that’s something.

  4. It isn’t required to carry your myna card and it is better if you didn’t as it reduces the risk of losing it.

    You still need to carry your residence card.

  5. The government are trying to make the MyNumber card into some sort of national ID, but as a foreign resident, or anyone at all, you do not need to carry your MyNumber card unless you’ll be using it that day.

    When I first got mine, about 5 years ago I think, the old fella at the ward office said that it was very important to keep it safe, and not let anyone see it.

    It is in no way a replacement for your zairyu card. Keep it safe at home.

  6. My number card can be used as a health insurance card (if you’ve linked them)
    So there’s one argument to always carry your my number card.

    But as others have pointed out, there’s a risk of losing an “important” piece of your ID document if you always put it in your wallet.

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