Itinerary Check – 30 days

Hi all,

I’ve been waiting to go to Japan for the last few years and finally have the chance to go so I set up my itinerary to get in every last thing I could think to get in. Let me know if I missed anything or am I living a pipe dream?

I have my JR pass for 14 days so I’m doing a lot of the trips in the middle

Day 1-2
Arrive in Tokyo

Day 3
Acquainting myself with Tokyo and getting my bearings

Day 4
Tokyo skytower
Mario kart

Day 5
Sumo wrestling endeavor in Japan

Day 6
Osaka aquarium
Onsen hot springs

Day 7
Walking up to the Nintendo building
Golden pavilion
Bamboo forest

Day 8
Atomic bomb museum
Peace park

Day 9
Kenuken Garden

Day 10
Mt. Minobo (scaling to the top)

Day 11
Botanical Garden
Oshi-kakkone park
Mishima sky vault

Day 12
Historical village
Sky walk

Day 13
Free day

Day 14
Zao fox village

Day 15
Deer park

Day 16
Snow monkey park

Day 17
Samiwas park

Day 18
Ueno park
Asahyama park
Tokkiwan park

Day 19-20
Free day

Day 21-22
Climbing to the top of mt Fuji

Day 23
Tokyo Disneyland

Day 24
Tokyo Disney sea

Day 25-27
Various excursions through Tokyo

Day 28
Studio ghibli park

Day 29

Day 30 leave

1 comment
  1. It looks like a list of things to do rather than an itinerary.

    What you have listed is mostly possible in 30 days but you need to think about the order of things and where you will be staying etc.

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