Picnic kit has some semi sharp butter knives, are we going to have trouble with asshole cops?

Might sound weird, but I know people have been accosted in the past for really absurd shit like dull Swiss Army knives, and other things. We have a nice picnic kit bag that comes with four butter knives, they could cut something, but we are using it for the purpose of going to a picnic place and camping, etc. Are we going to have to worry about asshole cops Looking for something if they dig into our bags? (They are especially aggressive this month with digging into bags and ID checks this month it seems)

  1. accosted … by whom?

    why would cops be digging in your belongings? are you or your friends being repeatedly searched or something?

    your eating utensils are fine.

  2. Have an issue with Japanese Five-O? No one is going to bother you about your little butter knives if are legitimately going to a picnic. If you’re carrying knives that are bigger than the legal limit for no legitimate purpose (like a chef on your way to work) then you’ll be in trouble…if you get stopped.

  3. Are you planning to hang around somewhere like Kabukicho while carrying the picnic kit for no apparent reason? If not, don’t worry.

  4. Cooking utensils are not covered under the Sword and Firearms law, and you would also have a legitimate reason for carrying them. So no, you will not have any trouble.

  5. I read picnic as “panic” kit and imagined that a Swiss army of sharp butter knives would be handy in the event an earthquake has me battling for survival outside

  6. What? We recently went to a big picnic with several skewers and a couple of midsized chefs knives, and I doubt anyone would have said anything to us, even if we had been stopped.

    Like, if you’re just walking around with a chefs knife and get stopped by chance, yeah you might get questioned for a while, and maybe even get your knife taken if they determine you shouldn’t be out with it, but like, if you have a whole bunch of foods and other things that suggest you’re out to a picnic or bbq or something, I doubt they’d say much so long as it’s a kitchen knife and not some sort of boot knife or non food related knife.

  7. Japan: A knife as a tool = OK. A knife as a weapon = Not OK.

    This is why we can carry dive knifes, a knife on your PFD while kayaking, big survival knife while camping, axes, hatchets, machetes, sickles, and on and on. If you’re just walking around with it in your back pocket for no other reason than “self defense,” it’s going to be a problem.

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