Having a sick person sit outside of the clinic is just ridiculous

I just wanted to rant, because this bs is really getting to me. I have fever and can’t even stand on my feet, but somehow managed to drag myself to a clinic, because I need medication.

I’ve been sitting here for 30 minutes now, the doctor came to talk to me, was super condescending, wouldn’t even try to listen to what I’m trying to say. But I don’t care much about that at this point. I’ve been sitting right in front of the emergency staircases, the whole place is very dirty, and dusty, the chair they gave me is uncomfortable and I can’t even lean back. I’m in literal pain and am shivering because I’m cold. And this is not the first place for this to have happened.

Why do they keep doing this? This wasn’t a thing before covid, and it feels like sick people aren’t worth some peace when at a clinic. They just cause more stress for you. Imagine this in winter. I’ve had to wait in a place outside with no heating last year. It was very terrible.

Also why do they always give you kanpo for literally everything. I never felt any change from them and I took them for a while for several different things.

Sorry guys, rant over. Have a good week.

  1. That’s just that particular clinic and doctors.
    I suggest finding somewhere else to go.

  2. Every clinic I been to has either had a special area for people with fever or tell them to stand in staircase to avoid infecting others with potentially covid. In my last case the fever ended 3 days prior but they still had me wait outside just in case. I don’t really see the issue with that. Condescending doctor is a no go though it seems like kanpo is the solution! take this for two weeks and come back if it still hurts. then you can go up one lvl of medicine or they will give you the same one for two weeks more. But thats just how socialized medicine works. You need to fix each person as cheaply as possible and to do that it takes time.

  3. When I have a fever I have never been allowed to sit inside the clinic. Always escorted to another place to wait, usually another room or building if the clinic is big. Only once I had to wait in a stairwell and that was when I was almost certain I had influenza (turned out I did) and told the doctor my suspicions beforehand.

  4. Sorry to hear about your experience. Is there any chance you can find a larger clinic, maybe one associated with a hospital somewhat near you? I had a raging fever for 10 days last year (peaked for about two days over 40C) and went to a clinic affiliated with a larger hospital. It was during a big Covid wave so the hospital couldn’t admit me, and the clinic had me commute there everyday (it sucked, but they took good care of me). The clinic had hospital beds to lay me on while doing tests, and even the waiting room for regular fever patients had comfortable reclining chairs.

    I think the tiny naika clinics in my area are all like you described, but the more hospital-like clinics seem better equipped, and they didn’t waste my time with kanpo. They prescribed me the strongest dosage of acetaminophen they could when my fever was at its worst.

  5. I wish people would sit outside the office when they have a fever but they seem to prefer the seat next to me.

  6. I once had a pretty bad fever and racing heartbeat, didn’t feel well at all. Was denied at one hospital and told to take a COVID test, called the center and was directed to a hospital where I had to walk up a long ramp and then wait for over an hour to get a test, then more to get the results, and then finally I could see the doctor who said I just had a regular fever and gave me fever and throat medicine.

    Nowadays I make full use of online doctor consultations. They’re great, you can even get your prescription and meds sent directly to you through some of them. I can just sit at home and avoid all that waiting and suffering.

  7. Let me tell you about when my wife had a fever at the end of 2020.

    Went to the local hospital (a major city hospital) on Friday afternoon. We waited outside in a tent and I explained her symptoms to a doctor on an iPad. Fever and some back pain. They took a Covid sample and said we would have to come back on Monday to get the results.

    Saturday morning. Fever getting worse.
    Saturday afternoon, it’s mid 41C, I.e, getting to the point of brain damage. So I ring up the hospital and they tell us to wait until the test results on monday.

    So I call another hospital in the next town over. They tell me to bring her down (she’s basically unconscious). They quarantine us until the doctor can come. The doctor came, felt her back, took her for an ultrasound, kidney infection. She was on antibiotic drip and morphine within 30 mins. She may well have died if we’d waited until monday.

    Moral of the story? Fear of Covid paralyzed some institutions. But there are some brilliant hospitals/doctors here, you just might need to search for them!

  8. You have the potential to infect other people who might be even more vulnerable.

  9. IDK, some clinics nearby don’t allow you to come in with fever with no reservation by telephone. The other way they just say go back home and reserve your time by phone. I tried. Usually it’s clearly written on their websites.

    Also in my experience some clinics are just incompetent there. So try different.

    Like those one where I was said that my fever means I have a covid (with no test and even no talk). After I said I have a dhiarea as well, they immediately became: “ok, then it’s not covid, come in”.

    Another one was actually good. But when the doctor said that I have a fever with my 36.6C body temperature and I answered that it’s my normal body temperature, he got really pissed off. Then my japanese wife said that the fact is all people in my home country have normally 36.6C. And his reaction was like “Give me a scientific prove or shut up and don’t argue that your husband has a fever, like I just said”. Actually that was the only case I’ve seen japanese pissed off for a half of decade.

    Also 3 clinic and a lot of tests were passed by me after in the 4th one I finally heard that my coughing is because of 花粉症 and I got my meds.

  10. I’m sorry about your experience. It’s understandable that they want to control infection but you’re just as entitled to a decent care as the next person and they can keep you in a separate area without treating you as some sort of leper. I think there’s not much you can do except take your business elsewhere next time and share your experience in a review. I hope you get better soon ❤️‍🩹

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