I’m moving to a new apartment in Japan, and after reading some threads on this reddit and japanese websites, it seems like it’s completely possible for your fiber internet to be very slow depending on the type of wiring. I already know the difference between VDSL方式, LAN方式 and 光方式, but is there a definitive way to tell whether the cable that’s connected to my room is actually hikari and not LAN/Telephone?
When I visited the room with the dude from the fudousan, there was a wall socket with the 光 kanji written on it, is this enough to conclude that I’ll get actual high speed with stable connections, and therefore be able to make a contract with AU光/Sony NURO?
By the way, I consulted the biglobe/AU website, and apparently they marked my building as マンションV(16)タイプ (お得プランA), which also apparently means a top speed of 100 Mbps, and this made me worried.
Any thoughts?
Did it have a plug that looked like this?
If so there’s a possibility that the actual fiber line is still in place and can be reactivated. The mansion itself might further offer vdsl to all tenants, which explains the type V thing
For AU and NURO you’ll have to check with them yourself. Even places with a built in 光 socket may only support flets but not AU/NURO.
Optical-fiber based network can be distributed in different ways, including all three you mentioned. Old buildings tent to offer 光方式 only. If you don’t see its special socket anywhere the possibility is that it could be any of those.
Best to confirm is still calling support desk or checking out your network contract.
When was the building built and how many units does it have?
Real Estate should know it. Even if the Hikari switch is there, there is a chance that no cable is behind it. Only reliable way is looking at the mdf.