NOAH’s Director Takeda: “If the venue had been packed with fans who wanted to see Kiyomiya, we would not have lent him to G1. Sadly, it is not.”

NOAH’s Director Takeda: “If the venue had been packed with fans who wanted to see Kiyomiya, we would not have lent him to G1. Sadly, it is not.”

  1. Damn man Kaito can’t catch a break, everyone has shit on Him, is that like his gimmick?

    But this does make kaito a perfect underdog, I don’t watch noah but I’m cheering for kaito heavy

  2. Takeda just committed a cardinal sin in business: don’t diss on your product in public. Sure, Kiyomiya is not over with G1 goers. But, do you really wanna say that he doesn’t put butts in seats? If I were a casual fan, I’d probably won’t care about seeing Kiyomiya since their director doesn’t seem to think highly of him from his statement.

    Why not say, “Kiyomiya may not be as popular as other wrestlers, but he can win people over with his fighting spirit” or some marketing bullshit like that.

  3. If you have not watched all of his major matches in Noah you are in for a fucking surprise. This guy is one of the most talented younger wrestlers out there with a clear star potential.

    I think the comment is meant to set the stage for the angle they are working towards with him “shocking” people with how great he is and end up in the top spot again in Noah, by possibly beating Okada if he indeed get that far in G1.

    He have been groomed as a future Ace of Noah for years now, so they would not just actually shit on him. Doesn’t matter that they have often booked him to do the job when needed, he is still one of their greatest long term investments.

  4. I don’t watch NOAH but from the bits I’ve caught, isn’t his whole storyline this year that he’s not matching expectations right now, he was supposed to be their ace but got bitched by Okada and then lost the belt etc.

  5. NOAH is working themselves into a shoot (brother) if Kaito ever makes the jump at this point.

  6. I assume this is part of a storyline because if not, what a way to bury your young ace.

  7. Either we are getting worked so good job to them, or NOAH are vicious as fuck

    Ironically I do think Kaito would work better in NJPW

  8. my man said that he was like fresh made ramen and I’m supposed to think that’s a diss? lol

  9. It’s okay NOAH. Just don’t offer him a contract when his time is up. We will show you how to turn someone into a household name.

  10. this is copium but what if njpw is just waiting for the opportunity to pounce on kaito which is why yuya is an after thought.

    kaito can come in and be what okada was in a weird way?

  11. You book him like a geek, and fans lose interest. Who could possibly have seen that coming?

  12. So if I’m getting this right, NOAH let Kaito do the G1 because they didn’t think that the N1 was going to be a good enough platform for Kaito to attract an audience. That’s honestly a really brutal thing to say about your own product.

    I suppose there is some inescapable truth here. Kaito will objectively get more eyeballs on him by doing the G1 instead. But Takeda said too much and basically buried his own company’s tournament in the process. It’s a shocking self-pwn. Takeda is doing the opposite of giving me a reason to give a damn about the N1.

  13. Jobs him out to a barely mobile Muta for a year “He’s just not a draw, I dont get it”

  14. I… really hope this is a work and not a stupid action by NOAH giving Kaito to them…

  15. He’s not on his way out and they’re not shitting on him either, it’s just the reality. Japanese promotions are not trying to pretend everything is good when they can barely fill some venues. Same things happened with NJPW a few times, even Okada talked about being bothered by the fact he couldn’t sell out the Tokyo Dome. It doesn’t make them look bad, they’re just more honest about the business.

  16. That’s just sad…..NOAH is so good and they seem to have stopped with shit booking

  17. Sounds like a golden opportunity for some get-back …..

    1. Kiyomiya wins A-Block (6-1)
    2. SANADA defeats Kiyomiya, but finishes (5-2)
    3. Kiyomiya defeats Okada in the semi.
    4. Kiyomiya wins G1.
    5. Okada defeats SANADA at the fall PPV
    6. Kiyomiya vs Okada at WK.

    And If he isn’t a marquee name at that point, flush the toilet and go with someone else.

  18. So in other words, Kiomiya is not a draw. Ain’t that some fucked up shit. I’ve seen his work on NOAH, the guy has the IT factor.

  19. I guess this is a work. There’s a lot of people that believe Noah is burying this kid to get him over, am I reading this correctly? And the guess is Noah believes this is the most effective way to get Kiyomoya over? Yes, there’s been some underdog wrestlers that have broken through and become stars this way. Most of them don’t. This doesn’t make any sense.

    Hopefully the kid’s deal is up soon and he can go somewhere else. I’d love for him to go to AJPW and wrestle Miyahara for a year and then go to NJPW.

  20. I feel like they’re trying to have this be a weird worked thing that also is partly real where they’re making Kiyomiya look like a real underdog. idk how the Japanese see this, but it kinda makes Kiyomiya look bad I know he is loyal to Noah, and Misawa was a big inspiration for him, but I feel there comes a point where its just too much for man. Honestly, it would not be a surprise if NJ having him in the G1 is them testing the waters to see how he would work in a NJ setting and against guys who aren’t Okada and potentially steal him under from Noah’s nose and it actually works.

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