Question about my student visa

My semester is about to be over in 4 weeks ;_; and I’m planning the return to states journey right now. If I want to stay in Japan for a little while longer (a couple days) past my semester ending will it be breaking any rules? My visa expiration isn’t until next year, but I’m moving out of my dorm at the end of these 4 weeks.

Not sure how the rules are on staying past the semester end and don’t want to break any important rules. Thanks!

  1. Double-check with your school, but typically you can stay a few weeks (2-4 weeks) the school term ends. If you think there’s a chance you might need to stay longer, then you should apply for an extension. E.g., they can switch you to a tourist visa valid for 90 days after graduation.

  2. The expiration date of your visa is irrelevant once your schooling ends. Once you’ve graduated your school will report it and your visa is over. However I do believe you get around 2 weeks once you’ve graduated to get everything together and leave, so as long as you’re not planning on flying around you should be fine for a few days.

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