Is it safe to make sushi with this?

Is it safe to make sushi with this?

  1. Yes use it all the time make sure it is farm raised it says it is on the back of the package in small writing. Then take home Freeze in freezer 7 days. Take out put in fridge morning of the day you use. Skin it rid salt on both sides 5 min then rinse under running water ready to use!!! I use Aldi fish salmon all the time

  2. Generally speaking, farmed Atlantic salmon is ok from a parasites perspective, but Chilean farms have some issues with bacterial contamination:

    Also, and this doesn’t really affect it one way or another, but I *highly* doubt that fish has never been frozen. It says “Product of Chile” and also “processed in United States.” So you’re telling me this salmon was raised on a farm in the southern tip of South America, was shipped either live or whole to some processing plant in the US, was cleaned, filleted, and vacuum packed then shipped to an Aldi, all without decomposing? And being sold for $9/lb and a sell-by date a week from now? Zero chance.

  3. I’d say no because it says fresh never frozen.

    You want it to be industrialized frozen to kill off all the parasites.

  4. Sams sells the Norwegian farmed salmon. That’s safe in my opinion. I’ve used it for sushi dozens of times.

    I would stay away from the Atlantic that is produced in the Pacific Ocean. The safety standards are much lower.

  5. I got Norwegian farmed salmon at my Aldi a few days ago, cut and cured it, ate it raw, and didn’t get sick. It would probably be ideal to deep freeze it for a while after the cure, but here we are.

    It is always a probability with everything we eat. The safest raw fish is always going to be far more dangerous than, say, cooked pasta, but either one might make you sick. I wouldn’t feed it to a pregnant woman or a 90 year old, but I ate it myself.

    It was pretty oily. It’s almost bacony, at maybe 15% fat after the cure. I will probably get more dangerous, leaner, frozen wild sockeye salmon next time.

  6. That is why you get farm raised and freeze 7 days I have yet to see a parasite 🪱 I eat it uncooked at last one a week never a issue as I each their own..

  7. This is why you freeze for 7 days holy.. don’t cross the street you might get hit by a car…

  8. My freezer is nothing special but I did check temp it is -2 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold enough for me…

  9. It was never frozen if you’re using it for sushi you want to freeze it for 7 days they’re stating it’s never been frozen so either you cook it or freeze it it’s not rocket science.

  10. This is salmon from Aldi. I would 100% cook before eating (it’s very good). If you have an Asian store nearby, they usually have sushi grade salmon available for purchase!

  11. I made [this]( with the same salmon from Aldi. I love buying the bigger cuts and breaking it down so I can cure them and freeze them for a week. I used roughly [this method]( for the salmon prep. Tastes great and I find it to be fattier than other far raised salmon from other grocery stores like Publix.

  12. Yes. Did it for years in uk. If worried just freeze for a few days

  13. No. Not all raw salmon and tuna is “sushi grade”. $9-per pound is a clue. Look for $30 and up. If you’re looking for a system flush on the other hand, then yes. A flush once in a while is not a bad thing. Ha

  14. I’m sure the other comments are apropos. However, I would NEVER use Atlantic salmon. I’ve lived in the South for over 30 years and this is in most of the restaurants and stores. I’ve yet to taste any Atlantic salmon that had any flavor at all. If you’re going for salmon, go for Alaskan or salmon from the Northwest. Atlantic salmon is crap and it’s usually farm raised in South America.

  15. “Never frozen.” No. All sushi you eat has been frozen for safety at some point. It’s literally part of the process.

  16. No. The package says “fresh never frozen”. The fish needs to be frozen and thawed to kill potential parasites.

  17. Can’t answer your question, but I’ve befriended the sushi guy at Publix and he gave me a great spot to buy sushi grade from a local supplier. Just an idea!

  18. No. I wouldn’t unless you *really* know what you’re doing. It says it’s never been frozen, so that means that any parasites that may have been there are still there and alive.

    I don’t know if all salmon parasites are visible to the eye, and even if they are, I dunno if you have the skill and experience to pick them all out.

  19. “Never frozen” is a big no. You need to blast-chill it to make it sushi grade, unless it’s specified that it’s parasite free. Hard pass.

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