How Important is the Letter of Recommendation in The JET Application?

Hello everyone.

I am an aspiring JET ALT for 2023. Can I ask if a strong letter of recommendation can make you a strong applicant as well?



  1. It will certainly strengthen your application, but having an excellent personal statement/statement of purpose will be the biggest deciding factor in how strong your application is.

  2. It absolutely can make your application stronger.

    You can talk up yourself for days, and while that’s fine, there isn’t as much weight. On the otherhand, a letter of recommendation means someone else is talking you up. They’ve seen, firsthand, your work ethic, skills, personality, etc.

    It’s kinds the same idea as a new job calling your old job to learn about how you were as a worker. JET is your employer and they are calling up people who have seen your work ethic and can vouch for you as a person.

    Hope that makes sense! Your SOP is defs the most important part, but depending on the number of applicants your consulate gets, it could come down to how all the pieces of your application work together to create the image of the sort of person JET is looking for 🙂

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