Carrying UV umbrella as a male

I never saw men carrying UV protecting umbrellas. How are men viewed by Japanese people if they do so?

  1. You saw a Japanese man carrying one, then asked how do other Japanese view him?.

    They probably think “35c today, can’t blame him”.

  2. I’ve seen so many male with UV umbrellas, never thought twice of it

  3. Do it man, people are too busy to realize anyways. And those that do, you’ll probably never meet again

  4. I don’t think anyone would look twice. It’s still relatively rare among men, but if I see a man using one I think he’s knowledgeable about self-care, and confident. Men deserve shade and protection from sun damage too, so I hope it becomes normalized for men to use them.

  5. It ain’t getting any colder, so I think we’ll see this become fairly common in a few years.

  6. Wait… UV protecting umbrella!? I’ve just been walking around with a solid colored one. Mine is black though so it definitely still does the job. I don’t see men with them often but I have a shaved head so it’s either that or sweat through my hats. I felt a little strange at first but now I feel like the smartest guy at every intersection!

  7. Honestly I might be more conscious about it in other parts of the world. But at least in Japan, and Korea, as I’ve also experienced, it’s actually more common than you think.

    Also, carrying a parasol is 10 times better than any of those silly tiny fans or icy neckpads anyway.

  8. It’s Japan, no one is going to care.

    Would guess it’s going to become a lot more common over the coming years as temps ramp up even higher than they are already.

  9. People are much more open here than in the west, I dont think anyone would care or view it negatively. If they do then theyre the immature ones not you protecting yourself form the sun

  10. I’ve seen it a few times, I don’t care and nobody else seemed to either so you’ll be fine.

    The guys I’ve seen are young and quite fashionable looking uni students, and the umbrellas have all been black.

  11. I used mine in Tokyo last week. I’d say it was a 1/10 men using an umbrella/parasol.

  12. Conversely I see Japanese men wearing full suits and masks despite it being swelteringly hot… may their stupidity and poor example be judged harshly.

  13. Some of the guys used to make fun of women for carrying UV umbrellas, and now they’re complaining “Guys can’t carry umbrellas because they get made fun of! It’s a discrimination!”. Oh the irony.

  14. I see enough men in my neighborhood or areas I frequent to not be surprised but few enough that I still notice them.

    I spend almost every day with Japanese people and can’t recall anyone ever mentioning men using parasols.

  15. My husband used one since he burns easily and literally no one gives a fuck or even notices

  16. My Japanese wife just said to me last night “I just read that men are starting to use sun umbrellas too”. So it’s hardly been common but becoming more so by the sounds of it. Can’t say I’ve seen men using one but I it’s my first summer here and I’m totally going to.

  17. I think it makes sense, go for it. But don’t forget wearing your sunglasses, like most prople carrying UV umbrellas here do

  18. Look, racism is real, the darker you are, the harder it is to live in Japan. So, you better PROTECT your skin! If you’re white, you’ll be alright.

  19. Fellas, is it gay to not get skin cancer?

    I do occasionally, nobody cares, it’s hot as balls and I burn easily even with sunscreen.

  20. Jesus! If you’re a dude & concerned about too much sun on your dome, then either wear a (baseball) cap or some kind of hat.

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