Most forgettable championship reign in history?

Most forgettable championship reign in history?

  1. I was at Wrestle Kingdom 12 so I often think back fondly to Trent’s crowning heavyweight achievement, but absolutely absurd three man team to be sure

  2. Jay White last reing, I felt like Okada was still the champion and White had just stolen his belt.

  3. I like to think there being video proof makes it more memorable than a lot of title changes in the world but idk, that’s just me.

  4. People don’t even recall the last reign when it comes to this title and you picked one from years ago

  5. Honestly they all were forgettable asides from Goto/Yoshi/Ishii and Okada/Tana/Ishii. HOT too but mainly due to the horrendous matchups they had for those titles.

  6. BUSHIs 10 day Jr Heavyweight Title Reign.

    The most forgettable reign of the last decade easy

  7. I say Evil’s first Never title reign in 2016 where he beat Shibata at I think Power Struggle then lost it a week later to Shibata at a Vietnam show, I think.

  8. Like 99% of the trios tag title reigns

    Also a ton of the never title reigns for a good long while

  9. Yup! Thank goodness The Best Friends have reinvented themselves, for over via promos and undeniable greatness that forces TKs hand to make them a big deal.

    Oh wait——thank god they have OC to stay relevant.

  10. I’d say Tadao Yasuda’s reign as NJPW champ is pretty forgettable.

  11. I always forget and find it odd that Yano was champs with the Briscoe brothers. Not just once, but twice.

  12. I had a weird fever dream a few years ago when EVIL won the double championship.

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