Long term visa eligible for PR?

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if I could have someones experience in getting PR once they have gotten their Long term stay visa. So the situation is…

I have a Child of Japanese national visa and today I was able to get it renewed for 3 years. This should give me the eligibility of applying for PR. I have a wife and child who got their long term stay visa (1yr when first applied), today we all got 3 years extension each. Me, child of japanese national visa, wife and daughter got 3 years extension for their long term stay.

Would they be eligible to sign up for PR like me?
I spoke to immigration in person today and they said well you already have 3 years extension today..so whats the hurry. Not the answer I was looking for. Before this, I spoke to someone on the phone while back that they should be eligible as well since I have been married more than 3 years and stayed in Japan for at least a year… I am just trying to apply for all of us to get PR so I dont have to deal with immigration again.

If you have experience or know about this process or my situation, please let me know. Much appreicated.

thank you

  1. >married for 3 years

    That only applies to a spouse of Japanese national, or a spouse of a PR. As you’re not PR yet, your spouse has not been married to either a Japanese national or a PR for 3 years.

    Technically to apply from a long-term resident visa you’re supposed to have 5 years of consecutive residency.

    So you can apply now as you meet the requirements as a child of Japanese national + 3/5 year visa.

    But your spouse ideally needs to wait until 5 years of consecutive residency, or until 3 years marriage after you’ve become PR (I guess whichever comes first)

    Of course your spouse can apply now as they have a 3/5 year visa, but no guarantee it would be approved due to not meeting the 5 year residency requirements.

    Your child might have more luck though as applying PR the same time as you, but of course your child still does not meet the requirements, so still possible rejected application

  2. I had a Long Term Resident visa and had to renew the 3 year visa twice before being able to apply for PR. Basically you just have to follow what they say at the time.

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