Weekly Thread: Study Buddy Tuesdays! Introduce yourself and find your study group!

Happy Tuesdays!

Every Tuesday, come here to Introduce yourself and find your study group! Share your discords and study plans. Find others at the same point in their journey as you.

Weekly Thread changes daily at 7:00 EST:

Mondays – Writing Practice

Tuesdays – Study Buddy and Self-Intros

Wednesdays – Materials and Self-Promotions

Thursdays – Victory day, Share your achievements

Fridays – Memes, videos, free talk

  1. Hi. Currently doing N5. I started back in April, although ive tried to study Japanese a few times in the past but never got too far into it.

    Wanikani has been my main study tool so far. I reached level 10 sometime last month and since then I’ve started focusing more on grammar using bunpro and learning more vocab using anki.

    I was feeling really good about my studies when I was on wanikani, but as soon as ive started grammar on bunpro I feel a bit demoralised and wish I started grammar earlier.

    I’m trying to put less priority on wanikani and really focus on grammar and reading (although I’m not quite sure what to read yet)

  2. Hi! Living in Japan for a few months now, halfway through Genki 1 and I’m around 40 kanji in for memorising the kanji. Only really started learning properly about a month ago. I’m not specifically studying for N5 but I’m just aiming for fluency in general. Let me know if you’d like to study together!

  3. I am looking for people I could follow through easy-ish stuff (as I am not doing much when it is *I* vs *myself*)

    For example I kept hearing about Genki but never reading them until the [Genki Marathon](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/12sydex/genki_1_and_2_grammar_marathon_anyone_can_join/) happened. It worked well with the Discord bot keeping track of users progress.

    Truth is you don’t even need to be doing the stuff. You could simply *invent* your progress and send it to me from time to time.

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