Some pictures from my trip last april

Some pictures from my trip last april

  1. All the pictures are taken within one month, feel free to ask about locations photography specs etc. 😊

  2. No questions. Just wanted to say these photos are gorgeous. Makes me can’t wait to visit Japan again.

  3. The quality of these photos is amazing! Great job these are some of the best Japan pics I’ve seen and you have a great eye for perspectives from where to take the photos. Can I ask which camera and objectives you took on your trips?

  4. How’d you get everything to look so tiny? Like in 7, 10, 16, 17, 20. They look like paintings!

    Would you mind sharing your camera settings, equipment, and whatever else you did to achieve the look used on #20? It’s a stunning photo

  5. Wow! You really did a great job capturing all the many facets of life there. I don’t know what a Lawson store sells, but it made a great contrast to the traditional buildings.

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