PSA: nationwide J-Alert test scheduled for today (July 12th), 11am

Just learnt via Twitter that there will be a nationwide test of the J-Alert system today at 11am.

**EDIT**: *someone reports in the comments that the test is cancelled due to an actual North Korean missile launch*

This will be a test of the public speaker system. The announcement will consist of:

* 4 rising chimes
* the sentence 「これは、Jアラートのテストです」(“kore ha J-araato no tesuto desu”)
* the local authority name
* 4 falling chimes

AFAIU this is not a test of the mobile phone alert system.

Source: [](

Details: [](

Do not panic, do not flee to an emergency shelter. Unless you really want to.

**EDIT**: it’s 10:15am and just to spice things up, the MoD reports a possible missile launch from North Korea. NHK link:

**EDIT**: 11:01 am and the test did not take place and the missile is predicted to land in the Sea of Japan outside Japan’s EEZ:

  1. Some of my Japanese coworkers were also unaware, so thanks for posting. Glad I saw this beforehand.

  2. “Unless you really want to” LOL thanks for the laugh OP (and for the reminder of course)

  3. > 防衛省は午前10時ごろ、北朝鮮から弾道ミサイルの可能性があるものが発射されたと発表しました。それに伴い、消防庁は7月12日午前11時に予定していたJアラート全国一斉伝達試験を中止する旨を伝えています。

    Looks like they cancelled the test due to the missile launch

  4. 10:57 And wondering what I would have done if I didn’t procrastinate right now…

  5. Christ on a Bike, these tests get announced, than cancelled because the Norks get-up to some doings, or there’s a real catastrophe like the floods down in Kyushu.

  6. I went and waited outside at 10:59 in this blazing hot weather to satisfy my curiosity but nothing happened. Turns out it’s cancelled. Booo.

  7. NK missed a great opportunity to really screw with Japan — should’ve waited for the 11:00 test, then launch at 11:03.

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