Conveyor Belt Sushi in Fort Lee New Jersey

Conveyor Belt Sushi in Fort Lee New Jersey

  1. I know I know converyor belt sushi how low brow especially in New Jersey lol but I did it and Im glad I did here are some pics to torture you with enjoy now.

  2. Knew this had to be Kura. Just went for my Bday yesterday (but in Illinois) and they had the We Bare Bears stuff

  3. I’m a sushi snob, but I love kura. I take my wife there all the time when we’re craving some fast sushi after a day at work. It’s good and super cool environment. Always a good time and nice taking family who can’t justify spending too much on sushi.

  4. Went to a kura while in FL (from Indiana). I’m sure it’s not the best, but it was the single greatest sushi experience of my life. I had a smile on my face the whole time and I’m 90% sure my parents thought I was high. I was in heaven and miss it so much.

  5. Coming soon to Flushing and Long Island (Carle Place). First Kura’s in the state of NY. I can’t wait

  6. Love Kura! And I admit that I thought your first photo was part of the restaurant (some places send their food on a little train).

  7. I went to a kura once and i loved it. All in all it was a very good experience. Sushi was good and the novelty of the conveyor belt and drink robot was a delight. I also like the little prize balls you get for eating a ton of plates. Im determined to beat my score if i get the opportunity to go again.

  8. I have that same Toto bidet at home. Best money I ever spent can’t shit anywhere else. My other bidets don’t even compare

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