Teacher Water Cooler – Month of May 2023

Discuss the state of the teaching industry in Japan with your fellow teachers! Use this thread to discuss salary trends, companies, minor questions that don’t warrant a whole post, and build a rapport with other members of the community.

Please keep discussions civilized. Mods will remove any offending posts.

  1. Â¥270,000/mo for full time dispatch work? Feels light, but I’m new to the game. Enjoying the work, so there’s that.

  2. Hot Take of the Month:

    Japanese Teachers of English do not use enough English inside and outside classes with students. Thus it has been found (though the data is a bit old) that Native-speaking (or non-Japanese speaking) teachers provide more opportunities for English use than their JTE counterparts. Thus native speakers, though lacking formal training, are often preferred to JTEs. Though since 2011 for HS, and now 2021 for JHS has required English only (EMI) for teachers in class, some still criticize teachers for not using enough English.

    Do you agree with these assumptions? Why?

    The data is from 10 years ago. Does this still hold true today in your context?

  3. Would anyone argue that there’s an appreciable difference between code-switching and translanguaging?

  4. I remember years ago reading something about the student-led university communist groups in the past where Japanese police legally mandated to not be able to enter university campuses without explicit invitation. Am I remember this incorrectly? And If I’m right, anyone have a link to some confirmation on this?

    Or is this just a rule at one university?

  5. Make sure y’all got your JET Crime Insurance y’all!!
    It’s a crazy world out there! Better to be prepared!
    Contact me for more info!

  6. Hi all, I am a Uni Grad, now 27 considering moving to Japan long term. I have been working for tech companies based in America for the past 8 years and honestly tired of office work culture and living in my country. Highly thinking about career change into ESL teaching and receiving all the certifications once I am in Japan.

    I have saved up money over the years and the plan is to bring $12thousand (USD) to move to Japan.

    I have interviewed and have offers from Yaruki Switch Kids Duo (more of a daycare,I’m fine with that), Heart Corp and Borderlink. Is anyone currently working at these companies that I could ask questions to?

    Needing some pointers and or advice on which company, personal experiences, current state of living in Japan as a foreigner, etc. May I DM you?

    Some last bit of info: I am Latin (tan to brown skin) living in Canada who is fluent in English, Spanish and conversational French. I understand basic Chinese convos and my Japanese tutor of 2 years has said I would be N4 Japanese if I took a test and passed it in Japan. I have visited Japan five times and have some Japanese friends in parts of Tokyo and Nagoya who I still communicate with. Sorry for the long comment.

  7. Has anyone got advice for a class of 4 that constantly get out of their chairs? One kid will sink under the table or start running around the room, and the other 3 will see that as their sign that it’s OK to do it too. It’s not always the same kid though, it’ll be one of the 4. They are 2nd or 3rd grade Elementary.

    Telling them “no, stop. That’s not okay” or shouting to sit down works temporarily until 5 minutes later or so when they start again. The lessons are not particularly exciting, it’s a lot of reading and bookwork and no games but my hands are tied there. I have to teach what I’m told to. Any ideas?

  8. Man digging into so called “reading wars” is a mess. No one seems to really disagree with phonics, no one seems to disagree with free reading. But everyone is yelling at each other like they are satan destroying the future generations. Some decent debates on whole to part vs part to whole. Some debates on teaching cueing and phonics together, which I can agree with phonics over cueing. But these kind of debates hardly seem to constitute any actual war. Getting into the neuroscience is interesting but even more complicated.

  9. One of the common… discouragements for ALTs or eikaiwa workers is that you “don’t want to be in your thirties or older and singing ‘Heads Shoulders Knees Toes’ all the time”

    Now, I get that doing the same activity with no variation over and over again turns into a drag, and Heads Shoulders Knees Toes happens to be one of the most (in)famous songs… but seriously, why not? It sounds like a good majority of those who say that hate – or at least strongly dislike- working with kids. Which means good luck finding any sort of teaching job if you REALLY want one in Japan- mostly because the ones that are largely available have you working with kids, especially elementary school or even younger.

    All this to say, I actually enjoy it- granted, I did this one multiple times in a row today, which can be tiring… but going through the song and its variations and watching the kids go crazy… well, I fully admit that one of the reaons I like teaching in Japan despite all its issues is because of the kids.

    Side note, I do realize that there are people who have physical limitations, whether from disability or from age. These are also the kinds of people who I would strongly suggest avoiding jobs that work with kids, especially younger kids.

  10. How do you deal with sealed letter of recommendation request when applying for university jobs? I feel I am going to be applying a lot of places before I final getting lucky and harassing former bosses for letters of recommendation over and over again is gonna get old for them real fast.

  11. Does presenting at a local prefectural JALT conference count as a low level publication or anything to put on resumes?

  12. Been living in country for almost a year now teaching at an Eikaiwa. Definitely want to start looking for a better job. Any recommendations on where to look or what to look for? I have applied to Interac and borderlink, but those are both entry-level jobs. Should I be going for something better?

  13. Recruitment opportunity, in the next month the Osaka BOE will put out a call for CNET positions. Any dispatch ALTs wanting to increase their monthly salary 8-10 万 for the same damn work, please check the Osaka BOE website regularly.

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