Summer Heat: Some tips that may not have crossed your mind

I thought I’d share some tips since these points may not be things that people are aware of (and thus wouldn’t know to Google for).

1. Buy a DC motor fan, not an AC one. The difference is huge – a DC motor will be quieter, more efficient, and hardly any more money at the lower price ranges

2. Tower fans don’t work very well. It’s a simple matter of physics, the slim design means it just can’t move that much air without getting very loud

3. Fans don’t actually cool the room (this may not be obvious). What’s making you feel cool is your sweat evaporating from the movement of air on your skin.

4. The optimal cooling set up depends on your place. If you find that inside is hotter than outside, then it’s likely to be an air circulation problem. Pointing a fan out the window as opposed to in can actually do a better job at cooling your place, depending on how many heat sources you have (think fridge, oven, tv, computers). You’re basically creating a set up similar to desktop computers (pull “fresh air” in, remove heat sources by pointing a fan out in another spot)

5. The dry setting mode is touted to be cheaper than the air conditioning mode. This was not true for me. I used a wattage meter and found them to be pretty much the exact same.

6. One of the best ways to save on electricity costs is to put a frozen 2L bottle of water in front of a fan and replace as needed. Also use the bottle to hydrate!

I made this thread because electricity costs have gone up as much as 40% and we are about to experience multiple days where it gets as hot as 36 or even 38 degrees. Stay safe out there!

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