Fireworks at night, Tokyo

I live in Tokyo and as we get deeper into summer I’ve started to notice more and more fireworks late at night. It hasn’t been a problem until this week when a group of young guys decided to make the bridge right outside my window the local 12am firecracker spot. I’ve got a two month old and a three year old. The baby was crying as the firecrackers where going off and I got too irritated and went and told the guys my kid was trying to sleep and asked them to move somewhere else. I know that fireworks are okay to use here and I didn’t think it was too crazy of a thing to ask but my wife got mad at me and basically said I was stupid for saying anything and now I’m worried that my house has become a target or something. Should I have just not said anything and should I be worried?

  1. well, how did you ask? what was their response? did they move? how are we supposed to know anything about this situation and these people and what their plans for the future are? they could be the nicest kids around and just never thought about what the noise would do for a family with small kids. seriously, how can anyone here know? as mentioned before, next time just call the police.

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