JR Shinkansen Cancelled? (Tokyo > Akita)

My family and I were planning on doing a day trip to Akita from Tokyo today but I happened to see an article online that they suspended some Shinkansen trains today (https://japannews.yomiuri.co.jp/society/general-news/20230715-122931/)

Does this mean there is a delay or just a flat out cancellation?

Not trying to get stranded there, lol

  1. Looks like a straight up cancellation; probably best to change plans. If they’re expecting weather impact, probably won’t be pleasant to visit anyway.

  2. Change your plans.

    The Akita Shinkansen won’t go past Morioka, and no local trains are running toward there, so the only ways to get there right now are roundabout train routes that take much longer, like going to Aomori and then riding a train down to Akita.

    Shinkansen to Akita are suspended until at least the 18th.

  3. That’s a terrible day trip anyway, so it looks like you were saved by the weather.

    Edit: ITT people who love wasting an entire day riding transit instead of actually doing anything. Take a look at a map, morons.

  4. You’re worried about the cancelled Shinkansen, not that your day trip destination is pretty much flooded, with both heavy rain advisories as well as landslide advisories still being up?

    That’s some commitment, man.

    But no, no Shinkansen to Akita until at least Monday morning.

    Edit: and since others might be reading this, avoid Akita and Iwate prefectures at all costs. You should definitely also reconsider going to Yamagata, Miyagi and Aomori prefectures. This is at least until Monday morning.

  5. I was stuck at Lake Tazawa on the 12th for four hours after the trains were cancelled, and the station masters pretty much told us we had to arrange our own transport out of there. Someone paid 38,000yen to go back to Akita on a taxi.

    Avoid Akita.

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