Experience with Y!Mobile?

I went to a Softbank store today for something unrelated, and they pushed Y!Mobile (a sub-group of Softbank) on me as a much cheaper option. I currently pay about ¥8000, the Y!Mobile plan I was looking at is about ¥3200.

The biggest things holding me back from changing are 1) Y!Mobile does not include アメリカ放題, which allows me to freely use my phone when I travel back to America, and 2) I’m just really not sure if it’s good.

There is a data cap on the Y!Mobile plan compared to the unlimited data of Softbank, but my average use is still under the cap. Just curious about other people’s experience and if it would be worth it to change!

  1. if you want cheap and still have international roaming switch to ahamo. 20 or 100gb plans and two weeks of intl roaming.

  2. Used to have Y!Mobile. Sometimes it sucked when riding the subway/being in B1 floors (super slow, or stopping), but otherwise it was ok, and it was cheap.

  3. I’ve been with them since I first got here, around 13 years ago.

    It might just be because my contract is ancient, but they’re not particularly cheap. I pay just under 4,000 for basic service. Nobody uses minutes or texts anymore, so that’s irrelevant, and I get something like 8 gb of data a month or so? So all in all, they’re pretty shit.

    Admittedly I should reallllyyy be shopping around at this point, but it’s just one of a myriad of things I don’t have the energy to do, and I don’t want to risk losing my number.

    I’m sure one of the more dedicated low-cost providers would be better. They’ve been bought out and sold so many times since I got here that I have no idea who actually owns my contract anymore.

  4. Ymobile is SoftBank. You don’t get anything special with them. Definitely switch to a low cost carrier option.

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