Small Kabukicho park has become a haven for hookers. A policeman was quoted, If we intercept them upon exiting a hotel, all they have to do is tell the officer, “We’re a couple” and the man need only say, “I just gave her some money for the taxi home”.

Small Kabukicho park has become a haven for hookers. A policeman was quoted, If we intercept them upon exiting a hotel, all they have to do is tell the officer, “We’re a couple” and the man need only say, “I just gave her some money for the taxi home”.

  1. Oldest phrase in the book. You’re not paying them for sex, you’re paying them to leave afterwards. Lol.

  2. Nothing new here. Okubo Park has been well-known for that for years even before it was gated. And that escape excuse for police is as old as time.

  3. Prostitution shouldn’t be illegal anyway🤷‍♂️ protect the workers and make sure they’re safe, don’t prosecute them.

  4. Look. If they aren’t doing it in public and are going to an hotel, I fail to see the problem. Of course, it’s immoral according with several religions, but so is consuming unhealthy amounts of food.

  5. Is street prostitution even technically legal in Japan? I thought it wasn’t.

  6. Just film it and then it becomes pornography which is legal to pay someone to take part in.

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