Heat makes people grumpy

\- Brit in Tokyo for 15+ years asking:

Is it me or do people in Tokyo, in your opinion, get super rude and grumpy in this hot weather? Had two women walk straight into me today, hitting me with their persols and no apology at all. Anyone else have the same experience?


Mods: I live in Japan.

  1. You’re not imagining it. I’ve noticed I’ve developed a short temper myself, though I do not lash out at people! I’ve seen the same in others.

    A young “lady” tried to barge through me off the train as I was in front of the doors trying to get out myself and was before her. I’m not a small guy either…

  2. I don’t see any difference. People are always grumpy, especially on the train.

  3. I’ve definitely noticed myself to be more agitated but also less likely to get into anything because I’m just trying to get home and escape the heat death.

  4. I’m not sure about everyone else but it’s definitely making me grumpy, it’s just so uncomfortable, everything gets wet in 5 minutes of walking, the constant itchiness.

    I’m not trying to barge anyone off a train or anything, nah, I’d rather just thanos snap the world right now.

  5. yeah need to watch yourself. many salaryman ojisan will intentionally bump into you if you are checking on your smartphone while walking.

    do you mean parasol? I search persols and found glasses instead.

  6. Watch out blutal murders occured in this time of year many times because people are mad about the heat

  7. There is science behind heat making people angrier or more irritable I believe. Can probably find sources on it by googling.

  8. I walked out to buy a badminton racket today and was not in a pleasant mood myself

  9. I developed a very short temper myself and I think I read once it’s the effect that heat has on many people. I don’t lash out but I’m swearing a lot in my head.

  10. Yes that’s just normal human stuff. When people are in state of hot, hungry, holding pee, and few other situational stuff, they have shorter temper.

  11. Not just Tokyo. Osaka the grumpiest city in Japan has discovered a new level of grumpiness.

  12. I think it depends where you are also. Hot clammy weather going to work in a packed city probaly not the funnest experience although hot weather on a beach or beer garden different story

  13. In Osaka, a woman was caught stealing ice cream from a delivery truck. She bit the employee who caught her on the finger.

    Her excuse was “It was hot and I wanted some ice cream.”

    Heat makes people crazy.

  14. Are you kidding? This weather’s got me white knuckling down the street even on the most pleasant of workdays.

    After I get home and into the AC, down a Pocari sweat and about a Liter of water I finally realize that maybe I was being a dick to passersby for no good reason. But when it’s 35 “feels like 48”?… I’m not even conscious to how angry the heat is making me.

  15. I do a giant sumimasen gesture (like I’m ultraman) as it brushes against me. Don’t need folks poking my eye out.

  16. I don’t live in Tokyo, but I definitely get grumpy in this weather, and many other people here do too. It’s miserable. Hot, humid, oppressive, walking outside is like stepping into a sauna. I’m covered in sweat, I’m dehydrated, I feel sticky and gross, there’s bugs everywhere, the heat’s making me drowsy, I fucking hate the summer and everything about it except the vacation time. I’m not gonna go be rude to anyone, but my general mood’s definitely at its lowest during the summer.

  17. When I was little, we found a man. He looked like… like, butchered. The old woman in the village crossed themselves… and whispered crazy things- strange things. “El Diablo cazador de hombres.” Only in the hottest years this happens- and this year, it grows hot. We begin finding our men. We found them sometimes without their skins… and sometimes much, much worse. …”El cazador trofeo de los hombres” means “the demon who makes trophies of men”.

  18. I’m so drowsy everyday, shotgunning coffees and water and still wanting to take a nap. And there’s a summer project looming over my head so yeah, I’m not pleasant in the summer.

  19. My first summer living here and I thought it’d be fine since I grew up in Australia. Collapsed from heat exhaustion at a train station last week. Japan summer hits different. The numbers might be middleweight but they stomp like heavyweight.

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