Receiving money anonymously

I’m looking for a way for someone to send me some money, but I don’t want to reveal my full name. Is there a way to make it anon or change it to a business name?

I have an online business but I want to set up a direct store instead of going through a third party. It’s just custom orders for art stuff. I do everything with a pseudonym.

I was thinking of accepting paypay and PayPal but I’m concerned that my personal details might be on show. I don’t have a business account set up yet.

I have some orders from overseas occasionally so it would great if it could be used around the world. I only do my job on the side and I have no idea about how to expand or what payment services to use or how to implement them.

Any advice?

  1. PayPay doesn’t reveal your real name to the sender or recipient. Just share your QR code and ask them to send the money.

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