ALT Alternatives to JET- Ireland

Basically what it says on the tin – what are some ALT alternatives to JET? (aside from Interac)

I was accepted into the JET program in 2020(lol) but for various reason including the whole world closing down I dropped out and now I’m semi-regretting it. I know I’ve missed the deadline to apply for the program for 2023 but I’d like to explore my options for going to Japan this year.

If it helps I’m Irish (I live here too) and I have a MA in History (and I don’t know Japanese). I don’t know if what country you’re from or level or subject of degree affects what jobs you can apply for and I assume there are companies that don’t recruit from Ireland so that’s why I’m adding that info. I know there’s Eikawas as well but I’m more interested in ALT positions but all suggestions are welcome!

  1. There is no alternative to JET. Everything else is part of an industry designed to have a yearly rotation of cheap, foreign labor where minimum wage is the norm.

  2. Your degree doesn’t matter, just that you have one and you had your education in English, which applies to you. Being (un)able to speak Japanese is also no importance, although that’s only at the interview stage and I would highly suggest you study Japanese before you go live in Japan.

    If what you want is to get into Japan, then literally any dispatch company will do. Interac, OWLS, and Altia are the ones I know of (I’m sure there’s more, also don’t apply to Heart). If you don’t mind either ALT or eikawa work, then also apply for Nova/ Aeon/ ECC/ Gaba. If you want a more stable job (private dispatch companies change contracts with local BoEs all the time, so you might have to switch companies or even move if your company loses the contract with the local schools), apply for JET.

    It also depends on your current situation in Ireland. If you’re employed and your job is fine, stay in your job and apply this November for 2024 JET. ALT-ing is ultimately the same job no matter the company, but JET pays more and has better benefits.

  3. 1. Go to Gaijinpot or one of many other Japan-related job search sites.
    2. Search for “ALT.”
    3. I’d say profit, but it won’t be you profiting.

  4. You can check into other types of teaching jobs. If Eikawa isn’t your taste check out private schools. If you have a teaching license in your home country look into schools with IB programs or international schools

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