Tomorrow’s the day we finally get development in this storyline after two years of waiting

Tomorrow’s the day we finally get development in this storyline after two years of waiting

  1. I’m somehow interested in an Evil Match in 2023 hopefully this isn’t just a match & something happens & Finlay gets rid of HOT

  2. They teased something with Jay and EVIL a couple years ago, but it never went anywhere. I hope there’s at least something of a definitive development in this match.

  3. Unless of course, we get nothing …

    It might just be “same old” …

    HoT tries to cheat, BCWD plays it straight, Finlay gets the win, and they’re still buddies afterward…

    But …. Fingers crossed for something exciting.

  4. Best case scenario is Finlay stomps the hell out of Evil and kicks out HOT from Bc so we can finally be done with crappy Sho and Evil matches

  5. I sort of hope evil wins. Finley just doesnt have a presence the way the others do, atm kenta feels like the only star in bc atm. The rest are hungry young guys who have never had a break.

  6. It says a lot that I view Evil and HOT as real bullet club in this match, Finlay and his young boys is somehow worse than HOT fighting Chaos for 3 years for the 6 man belts….

  7. Ultimate trolling from Gedo if there’s zero storyline progression after this match. Not a single Bullet Club derby main evented a G1 show within the past 3 years (maybe even ever?). With the still questionable Finlay vs. most fan’s least favorite shithead, Gedo has some BALLS to book this as a main event. Something HAS to go down…right?

  8. Please boot out the HoT, they should be their own unit they practically are just cut the cord already

  9. Hmm, nothing came of it….

    Something else has to come out of it all later? Maybe in the finals we’ll get the mass fallout from the tag matches?

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