Anyone know where I can get Kale?

I’m looking for a good source of Kale in Japan so I can get my calcium, I’m lactose intolerant, so can’t drink milk or get my calcium from dairy, and don’t want to take calcium pills. Been looking for a good kale source and seems impossible, but perhaps people here might know something I don’t know so figured I’d ask.

  1. Try growing it. You don’t need much space and it’s long-lasting and very easy to grow. Veranda?

  2. go to supermarket and ask for “ke-ru”. I also saw bag of kale seed in supermarket for like 300yen

  3. Kale is very uncommon in Japan, but pak choi (チンゲンサイ), okra, butternuts and batats are everywhere, and they are also great sources of calcium.

  4. All the Tokyo people commenting it’s in all supermarkets are lucky, very hard to come buy in Osaka. A couple supermarkets near us used to have it but have stopped stocking it in the past year or two. The only one left is the largest LIFE.

  5. I buy these Aojiru powder drink which can be found anywhere here. They come in individual packs so convenient to drink it in the office

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