Reasonable percentage of salary increase?

I’m a dispatched employee in a Japanese company, going to have an interview this week for direct employment. My boss said that I should be expecting higher salary but didn’t mention how much exactly. He told me that HR probably will ask me about my salary expectation in the interview so I just want to prepare an answer just in case.

I have been working there for 2 years. I want to ask for 50% increase, but honestly would they actually consider my expectation? Or is it just some kind of formality? Does giving reasons, such as recent price hikes, having masters, previous experience in my home country, speaking english (will be placed in Overseas business), need to buy ticket home to visit family etc would work in my favor?

I honestly have no idea what their salary range is like for experienced hire and I don’t want to make myself look stupid by asking too much/low. I’m also starting to think to maybe leave it for the HR to decide based on my performance this past 2 years. I’m at lost and really dreading the interview since it’s going to be the first time doing one in Japanese…

  1. Before that conversation with HR, you should find out what the full-timers in your seniority range are making now. If I was in your shoes I would just ask my coworkers directly how much they were making. I’d probably ask my boss as well.

  2. How much are you getting now? 50% seems like a big jump unless you are making like 2.5M

  3. Cost of living is a charity argument. The biggest leverage is to have other job offers and negotiate like you’re prepared to go work somewhere else. Salary depends on the company and reality can vary massively depending on where you work. Try get a job for a foreign company, because if you get brain fucked by Japanese corporate expectations it might skew your sense of resaality

  4. Usually dispatch companies take anywhere from. 20-40% cut so asking for that much increase wouldn’t be a problem I would assume. Since the company is already paying your dispatch company that much.

  5. You are never going to get a 50% increase. It makes no sense for a company to pay that much more for a person to do the exact same job. It’s just unreasonable. They will offer you most likely a 10-20% increase. If your expectation was 50% you will end up feeling cheated and underpaid. You can’t recover from this.

    What I would do is to look for another job. Start contacting recruiters. You will find out this way what others are willing to pay for people in your same position.

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