Ionized Water

Does anyone know if hotels/ Class A buildings in Japan use Ionized Water as a cleaning solution here in Japan, and if so, what company manufactures the ionizers?I met a sustainability consultant a while back, and he had never heard of it, but i wanted to make sure before I pitched an idea that was already in wide use here.

Before i left NYC, i piloted a successful change to Ionized water for a major tech company’s corporate offices, which was about a million SQFT of Class A space in Manhattan.

This was at the start of Covid, so I may be misremembering a detail here or there on the specific terminology, as I was handed a packet of information and a machine and told to implement, I didn’t do the research myself.

Thanks in advance, folks!

  1. I don’t understand the question, water is known to be an electricity conductor, and conductivity is due to the presence of ionized atoms. So just open the tap and you’ll get your water that contains plenty of ions.

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