In the process of fulfilling the requirements for importing my cat

After many years of living in Japan, last year I decided to start the process of importing my faithful feline in Japan.

I’ve done the microchip, rabies shots, rabies antibody test at a recognized lab, and nearing the end of 180-day wait period. I’m moving on to Step 5 (of 8), Advance Notification (40 days before arrival).

Has anyone else gone through this process, and I was wondering what to expect once we (hopefully) safely arrive in Japan. What was the process at the airport & animal quarantine like, and how long did it take for you?

  1. I arrived in July 2020 and flew with my cat in the cabin with me. It was a L O N G journey, but the MAFF and import step when we arrived was the swiftest part of the entire day. I came in via the US, so that’s the perspective you’ll get —

    I contacted the airline in advance, they checked our paperwork at initial bag check at BWI, then again at the desk at SEA before our international departure. Prior to all this MAFF asks to see the paperwork before you send it to the FDA. I had an issue on the paperwork that delayed my return a bit, but this meant everything was perfect before arrival.

    Once we cleared immigration and got our bags, the airline staff took me to the MAFF desk off to the side at Haneda. They reviewed the paperwork quickly, then we went to the exam room and did a quick scan of the microchip to make sure it matched. Then I was on my way home! Maybe 5 min total. Hopped into our private cab (cause 2020) and sat in epic traffic (arrived late afternoon) and cat only pooped in her carrier once during the international leg of the journey.

    Immigration during that time period took way longer (arriving as a foreigner resident with a spouse living in Japan was how I managed to enter but they had to send me to the immigration exam room first because it was an “exception”)

  2. My cat came from a rabies free location so no quarantine. But once you land the process is pretty easy. The quarantine service will probably email you in advance to ask for copies of all your stamped documents for a final check so there are not any surprises at the border. There are a number of forms to fill out including one from your government vet that needs a stamp, so start checking those requirements and book the appointment. For my country, the export vet visit was required to be 48 hours before departure which was cutting it pretty uncomfortably fine for me!

    Really, as long as the cat gets on the plane I wouldn’t worry about after that.

  3. Hi! I just arrived this year with my two animal companions.

    Once you get to the airport, staff will be there waiting for you and you will have to go to the animal quarantine part of the airport (in our case, we landed in Haneda. AQ was just right beside the luggage carousel). They will check their papers and scan their microchip and if everything’s all good, you’re on your way after 15-20 mins (maybe less if you have only one animal companion with you). Just make sure you have everything with you (vet and microchip records, results of their bloodwork, etc) and it’s an easy procedure

  4. Came with my dog, as long as you make sure paperwork is in order before landing and verify with aqs you will have a pretty easy time. The way it went for me was once I landed, I will found my pet close to the baggage claim area, and then had an airport staff member escort me to the animal quarantine services desk. Then they did a quick check on my dog and made sure the paperwork was all in order. After that I was free to go through customs. The whole process at the airport took maybe 30 minutes from the time I got my dog to the time I walked through customs.

  5. Okay, thanks to all that replied! Reading the Japanese website stated that it will take a maximum of 12 hours, so I was getting worried about what arrival time I should target. It was either an early morning or an early afternoon arrival. It seems that assuming I am able to provide all the documents, even a couple of hours delay in the afternoon wouldn’t be too bad.

  6. Why anyone would do this to their cat is beyond me…just the stress of the flight alone is going to shave years off its life.

  7. I stressed for that whole 180 days, but it was ultimately really easy (though expensive). Tons of paperwork on the Japanese side, but every office was super responsive, checked all our paperwork by email before we left.

    The only bad part was the US side… you know how your cat has to get a health check less than 10 days before departure? Well it takes the “USDA certified vets” 11 days to put their signature on the piece of paper you need. Luckily, the Japan-side office seemed to know this, and reassured me that they could accept the certificate digitally. Damn thing “arrived” in my email during the flight. Never did ask for my refund on the prepaid FedEx overnight envelope that theoretically was supposed to bring the physical piece of paper to my house… Ugh.

    Cats did fine. We put those pee pads inside their carriers, and they peed a couple times but that’s all. Vet gave us anti-anxiety meds, which the cats took. Fed them a few snacks… it was almost 24-hrs US-house-door-to-Japan-apt-door due to a flight delay. We all survived.

  8. before departure: call Japan animal quarantine, email them all your documents, they will check them in advance and green light you

    prepare for the crate: I had froze a smaller bowl of water and attached to the crate, also put a battery power LED light inside because I heard it will be pitch black in the cargo hold

    at the airport: airport staff will meet you, inspect the crate (you will need to take the cat out), and then they will take the cat behind

    after landing: airport staff will be waiting for you with the crate, you roll it to the quarantine place, I was out within 15m for 2 cats

  9. I had my cat with me in the cabin, no way let him in the cargo alone. It was a huge trip but we made it, the old boy still looking from my window as he ever done in the last 12 years.

    Just forward the docs to the Japan animal quarantine and wait for the green light. Then do the requested steps

  10. I brought my cat over last year from a rabies free country, and she flew on a separate flight via a transport company (airline/country/COVID rules). I picked her up the day after I arrived from Narita JAL cargo area, it was a pretty quick process of me showing my paperwork, checking her paperwork, checking she was ok, and paying a fee. Took about 2 hours in total and we were on our way!

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